Tuesday 15 May 2012

yesat infection no more review - Granada Clinical Center

 Granada Clinical Center

 Intestinal candidiasis is really a disease at the time. The result of modern medicine some innovations, such as antibiotics and the pill and a diet too "modern" overly refined foods and sweets. In some circles is known as a "disease of candy."

Everyone has a fungal health and fitness products  in the body in a way because we are born with it. In fact, Candida albicans is a commensal that lives in symbiosis with other bacteria in the gut without causing damage. Under normal circumstances, be controlled and inhibited by normal body defenses (white blood cells, polymorphonuclear cells and monocytes) to various factors that weaken the patient's biological field and make it vulnerable. It is the presence of these conditions that candida can begin to grow uncontrollably in the intestines, branching out and colonizing the whole intestinal canal. Sugars in food and a weakened immune system causes the transformation of the fungus in a mycelial form of fungi, which release toxins that damage the gut's defense barrier, allowing the passage of macromolecules and other partially digested proteins toxic to the blood stream.

Candidiasis is a very serious situation for two different reasons:

That often goes unrecognized and undiagnosed, which helps the yeast to grow unchecked.Of the many symptoms that show what we do is put too much emphasis on the immune system, forcing him to confront not only the yesat  but in all other conditions that cause the infection itself. All patients with candidiasis is overloading the liver from toxic buildup and toxins.

The symptoms of candidiasis and the level of severity vary from person to person but the main ones are: chronic fatigue, especially after eating, depression, desire to eat foods like bread and pastry (dough loves sweets), the changes in extreme mood swings, feelings of anger and hostility (), especially after eating a meal dulce.Además of these symptoms may develop swelling in the lymph system, period type pains, night sweats, chest pains and joints, memory loss, lack of coordination, blurred vision, headache, nothing more, intermittent dizziness, insomnia, sneezing, increased food allergies are very common.

Medical treatment allopathic (orthodox) standard for the treatment of candidiasis drug is nystatin, a product that inhibits growth of the yesat infection no more review  problems. Two popular drugs are Nizoral and Flucanozole. Although these two drugs to treat Candida is also true that not always work because of the ability of Candida to be changed in different ways to drug resistance or prevent further attacks by Candida.

Bionutricional protocol consists of four phases:

 The correction of food: TOTALLY avoid all sugars quickly, alcohol, yeast and enzymes. Avoid processed foods, sweets, dairy, white flour and meat of poor quality.Phase Detoxification: Once again, all patients with candidiasis is overloading the liver from toxic buildup and toxins This phase Anticándidas Action: Improves balance and intestinal defenses, and chelation of herbal medicine toxic and antifungal activity specific immunostimulants.Stabilization phase: strengthening the immune system, and cofactors antoxidantes to strengthen the sector.

It is necessary to make a thorough diagnosis to treatment schedule. I tend to do a "mix" of both techniques, and these tips will speed recovery:Good digestion is important, because there is nothing better for the Candida to find food remains undigested and decaying. Priority should be given to the recruitment of plant foods, vegetables, whole grains and quality (brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, millet and amaranth). You get the quality of chicken and turkey, fish and eggs.

    Both exercise and drinking water reduces the symptoms disappear when yeast cells are dead, faster system. It's good to have tea with cinnamon and cloves, which will help combat nausea and gas and help the decontamination of the digestive system.

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